Presentations about FASER

Invitations for conference talks by the FASER Collaboration should be sent to:

Jamie Boyd (CERN)  jamie.boyd AT
Jonathan L. Feng (University of California, Irvine)  jlf AT

Meetings, Conferences and Workshops

  1. Studying FIPs with FASER, EP Seminar, CERN, 15 October 2024, Speaker: Anna Sfyrla
  2. Results from FASER at CERN, Neutrino Oscillation Workshop, NOW 2024, Otranto, Lecce, Italy, 2-8 September 2024, Speaker: Tomohiro Inada
  3. Recent results from the FASER experiment at the LHC, New Trends in HE and Low-x Physics, Sfantu Gheorghe, Romania, 2-5 September 2024, Speaker: Elena Firu
  4. First results from FASER at the LHC, The XVIth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum Conference, QCHSC, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, 19-24 August 2024, FASER Results Speaker: Daiki Hayakawa
  5. Search for Axion-like Particles in Photonic Final States with FASER, Axion Quest Vietnam, ICISE, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, 4-10 August 2024, Plenary Talk: Xin Chen
  6. Discovery potential for ALPs on FASER and FASER 2, Axion Quest Vietnam, ICISE, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, 4-10 August 2024, Parallel Talk: Shunliang Zhang
  7. Results from TeV Neutrinos at the FASER Experiment, 42nd International Conference on High Energy Physics, ICHEP 2024, Prague, Czech Republic, 18-24 July, Nu Speaker: Sergey Dmitrievsky
  8. The W-Si High Precision Preshower Detector of the FASER Experiment at the LHC, 42nd International Conference on High Energy Physics, ICHEP 2024, Prague, Czech Republic, 18-24 July, Preshower Upgrade Speaker: Andrea Medina
  9. New Physics Results from the FASER Experiment, 42nd International Conference on High Energy Physics, ICHEP 2024, Prague, Czech Republic, 18-24 July, BSM Speaker: Jack Mac Donald
  10. High Energy Neutrinos studies in the forward direction with the FASER experiment at the LHC, 22nd International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions (ISVHECRI 2024), Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 8-12 July 2024, FASERnu Speaker: Osamu Sato
  11. FASER status, FASER, LPCC Forward Physics WG Meeting (CERN (virtual)), 15-16 July 2024, FASER Speaker: Mansoora Shamim
  12. Presentation Title TBN, 20th Rencontres du Vietnam, PASCOS 2024, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, 6-13 July 2024, FASER/FPF Expt Speaker: Tomochika Arai
  13. Neutrinos Physics at the LHC, 20th Rencontres du Vietnam, PASCOS 2024, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, 6-13 July 2024, FASER/FPF Th Speaker: Felix Kling
  14. New neutrino results from the FASER experiment at the LHC, LLP2024 Fourteenth workshop of the Long-Lived Particle Community, Tokyo, Japan, 1-5 July 2024, Nu Speaker: Motoya Nonaka
  15. BSM Results from the FASER Experiment at the LHC, LLP2024 Fourteenth workshop of the Long-Lived Particle Community, Tokyo, Japan, 1-5 July 2024, BSM Speaker: Yuxiao Wang
  16. New Physics Results from the FASER ExperimentThe 31st International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY 2024), Madrid, Spain, 10-14 June 2024,  BSM Speaker: Margaret Lutz
  17. FASER upgrades, 12th Edition of The Large Hadron Collider Physics Conference (LHCP 2024), Boston, Massachusetts, 3-7 June 2024, Faser Upgrades Speaker: Theo Moretti
  18. FASER results on BSM physics, 12th Edition of The Large Hadron Collider Physics Conference (LHCP 2024), Boston, Massachusetts, 3-7 June 2024, BSM Speaker: Lottie Cavanagh
  19. Overview of neutrino studies at FASER12th Edition of The Large Hadron Collider Physics Conference (LHCP 2024), Boston, Massachusetts, 3-7 June 2024, Nu Speaker: Daniela Koeck
  20. Neutrino experiments at LHC22nd Conference on Flavor Physics and CP Violation (FPCP 2024), Bangkok, Thailand, 27-31 May 2024, Speaker: Umut Kose
  21. Range extension for FASER electromagnetic calorimeter, CALOR 2024: 20th International Conference on Calorimetry in Particle Physics, Tsukuba City, Japan, 20-24 May 2024, Speaker: Sune Jacobsen
  22. The W-Si High Precision Preshower Detector of the FASER Experiment at the LHC, CALOR 2024: 20th International Conference on Calorimetry in Particle Physics, Tsukuba City, Japan, 20-24 May 2024, Speaker: Daiki Hayakawa
  23. New Physics Results from the FASER Experiment, APS Division of Particles & Fields (DPF) Meeting, DPF-Pheno 2024, Pittsburgh, PA, 13-17 May 2024, BSM Speaker: Ansh Desai
  24. Results From TeV Neutrinos at the FASER Experiment, APS Division of Particles & Fields (DPF) Meeting, DPF-Pheno 2024, Pittsburgh, PA, 13-17 May 2024, Nu Speaker: Ali Garabaglu
  25. Neutrinos at the LHC - Results from FASER, 31st International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS 2024), Grenoble, France, 8-12 April 2024, Jeremy Atkinson
  26. New Physics Results of the FASER Experiment,  Rencontres de Moriond QCD & High Energy Interactions, 31 March-7 April 2024, Matthias Schott             
  27. Results from the FASER experiment at the LHCRencontres de Moriond Electroweak Interactions & Unified Theories (EW), 24-31 March 2024, Aki Ariga 
  28. The Future of High Energy Physics: A New Generation, A New VisionAspen Winter Conference 2024, 24-29 March 2024, Eric Torrence
  29. FASER 2023 Overview, March 2024 afternoon workshop of the LHC Physics Centre (LPCC) Forward Physics Working Group, CERN, 15 March 2024, Alex Keyken               
  30. Recent Results from FASER, La Thuile 2024, La Thuile, Italy, 3-9 March 2024, Stefano Zambito
  31. Neutrino Physics at the ForwArd Search ExpeRiment, Lake Louise Winter Institute 2024, Lake Louise, Canada, 18-24 February 2024, Ken Ohashi
  32. BSM Physics at the The ForwArd Search ExpeRiment, Lake Louise Winter Institute 2024, Lake Louise, Canada, 18-24 February 2024, Eli Welch
  33. Latest Updates from FASER and FASERnu, MIAMI 2023 Physics Conference, 13-19 December 2023, Daniela Köck
  34. FASER Experiment and First Results from LHC Run 3, 17th International Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics (TAU 2023), 4-8 December 2023, Umut Kose
  35. 2023 Results from the FASER experiment, 13th LHC students poster session, 27 November 2023, Eli Welch 
  36. First Results from the Search for Dark Photons with the FASER Detector at the LHC9th China LHC Physics Workshop (CLHCP2023), 16-20 November 2023, Hao Pang
  37. First Direct Observation of Collider Neutrinos with FASER9th China LHC Physics Workshop (CLHCP2023), 16-20 November 2023, Jinfeng Liu
  38. First Physics Results from the FASER Experiment with LHC Run 3 Data, 1st African Conference on HEP (ACHEP2023), 23-27 October 2023, Noshin Tarranum
  39. Results from FASER, XX International Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes, 23-27 October 2023, Savannah Shively
  40. First Direct Observation of Collider Neutrinos with FASER at the LHCPhysical Review Journal Club, 21 September 2023, Florian Bernlochner
  41. Looking Forward to New Physics at the LHC: FASER and the FPFLight Dark Worlds 2023, 19-21 September, Jamie Boyd
  42. Status of FASER, LHCC Open Session, 13 September 2023, Jamie Boyd
  43. FASER Detector and First Physics Results, Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics, TIPP2023, 4 - 8 September 2023, Deion Fellers
  44. Detecting and Studying Three-Flavor Neutrinos with FASER at the LHC, TAUP 2023, 28 August - 1 September 2023, Yosuke Takubo
  45. First Physics Results from the FASER Experiment, 21st Lomonosov Conference, 24 - 30 August 2023, Svetlana Vasina
  46. Operation and Results of the FASERv DetectorNuFACT 2023, 21 - 26 August 2023, Jeremy Atkinson
  47. New Results on LHC Neutrinos from the FASER Experiment, NuFACT 2023, 21 - 26 August 2023, Tomoko Ariga
  48. Discovery and Study of Collider Neutrino Interactions with the FASER Experiment, EPS-HEP 2023, 21 - 25 August 2023, Florian Bernlochner
  49. Searches for New Physics with the FASER Experiment, EPS-HEP 2023, 21 - 25 August 2023, Jack MacDonald
  50. First Results from FASER at LHC30th Anniversary Rencontres du Vietnam, 7 - 12 August 2023, Ke Li
  51. First Results of LHC Neutrinos with FASERnu, ICRC 2023, 26 July - 3 August 2023, Osamu Sato
  52. FASER Neutrino Results and Future Prospects, IFIRSE Neutrino Workshop, 16 - 19 July 2023, Daiki Hayakawa
  53. Search for Collider Neutrinos with FASER, WIN 2023, 3 - 8 July 2023, Zhen Hu 
  54. Results from FASER, PASCOS 2023, 26 - 31 June 2023, Dave Casper
  55. First Neutrino Physics at Colliders with FASER, LLP13, 19 - 23 June 2023, Tomohiro Inada
  56. BSM Searches with FASER, LLP13, 19 - 23 June 2023, John Anders
  57. Physics Results from FASER - Dark Photon and Electronic Muon-Neutrino Studies, LHC Forward Physics Meeting, 9 June 2023, Savannah Shively
  58. FASER Neutrino ResultsLHCP 2023, 22 - 26 May 2023, Tobias Böckh
  59. FASER UpgradesLHCP 2023, 22 - 26 May 2023, Stefano Zambito
  60. FASER Status and Prospects, LHCP 2023, 22 - 26 May 2023, Noshin Tarannum
  61. First FASER Physics ResultsCollider, Dark Matter, and Neutrino Physics 2023, 16 - 19 May 2023, Deion Fellers
  62. First Physics Results from FASER, Blois 2023: 34th Rencontres de Blois on Particle Physics and Cosmology, 14 - 19 May 2023, Lottie Cavanagh
  63. Results from FASER, UCLA Dark Matter 2023, 29 March - 1 April 2023, Dave Casper
  64. First FASER Physics Results and the Forward Physics Facility, Aspen Winter Conferece, 26-31 March 2023, Jonathan Feng 
  65. First FASER Physics Results57th Rencontres de Moriond (QCD), 25 March - 1 April 2023, Carl Gwilliam
  66. First Physics Results from the FASER Experiment, 57th Rencontres de Moriond (EW), 18-25 March 2023, Brian Peterson
  67. The New Monolithic ASIC of the Preshower Detector for Di-photon Measurements in the FASER Experiment at CERN, ULITIMA 2023, 13-16 March 2023, Rafaella Kotitsa
  68. Neutrinos at the LHC: Faser(v) and SND@LHC, CERN Neutrino Platform Week 2023, 13-17 March 2023, Akitaka Ariga
  69. The FASER Experiment and Detector Performance from the First DataLa Thuile 2023, 5-11 March 2023, Ke Li
  70. FASER/FASERNu, Lake Louise Winter Institute, 19-24 February 2023, Shih-Chieh Hsu
  71. Status of the FASER Experiment at CERN and Outlook Towards the Future Forward Physics Facility, Miami 2022, 14-20 December 2022, Florian Bernlochner
  72. The Monolithic ASIC for the High Precision Preshower Detector of the FASER Experiment at the LHC, Pixel2022, 12-16 December 2022, Lorenzo Paolozzi
  73. First Data with FASER: A New LHC Experiment for Long Lived Particle Searches, Kruger 2022: Discovery Physics at the LHC, 4-9 December 2022, Claire Antel 
  74. FASER Status Report, LHCC, 30 November 2022, Anna Sfyrla
  75. Performance Studies with the FASER Detector for LHC Run3 Data (poster), LHCC, 29 November 2022, Noshin Tarannum
  76. FASER at the LHC, Dark Interactions, 14-16 November 2022, Tobias Böckh
  77. FASER Experiment at LHC, 4th World Summit on Exploring the Dark Side of the Universe, 7-11 November 2022, Jamie Boyd
  78. FASERnu: Current Status and First Data from LHC Run 3, LLP12, 31 October - 4 November 2022, Hiroaki Kawahara
  79. FASER's Status and First Collision Data, LLP12, 31 October - 4 November 2022, Charlotte Cavanagh
  80. High-Energy Neutrino Measurements with FASERnu at the LHC, NuInt 2022, 24-29 October 2022, Daiki Hayakawa
  81. The Monolithic ASIC for the High Precision Preshower Detector of the FASER Experiment at the LHC, Vertex 2022, 24-28 October 2022, Didier Ferrere
  82. Early Data from the Tracking Detector for the FASER Experiment, Vertex 2022, 24-28 October 2022, Benedikt Vormwald
  83. The FASER Project, LHC Forward Physics Meeting, 24-25 October 2022, Sune Jakobsen
  84. Status and prospects at CERN: FASER, FIPs 2022, 17-21 October 2022, Claire Antel
  85. Looking Forward to New Physics with FASER, Vistas on Detector Physics, 12-14 September 2022, Anna Sfyrla
  86. The FASER Experiment, IPA 2022, 5-9 September 2022, Monica D'Onorio
  87. Status of the FASER Experiment at CERN, PATRAS 2022, 8-12 August 2022, Matthias Schott
  88. FASER Tracker Detector - Commissioning, Installation, and Functionality (poster), ICHEP 2022, 6-13 July 2022, Savannah Shively
  89. FASER Status and Prospects, ICHEP 2022, 6-13 July 2022, Savannah Shively
  90. High-Energy Neutrino Measurements with FASERnu, ICHEP 2022, 6-13 July 2022, Yosuke Takubo
  91. Detecting Diphotons Events with the FASER Upgraded Preshower, LLP11: Searching for long-lived particles at the LHC and beyond: Eleventh workshop of the LLP Community (CERN, online), 30 May - 3 June 2022, Jorge Sabater-Iglesias
  92. Looking Forward to LLPsLLP11: Searching for long-lived particles at the LHC and beyond: Eleventh workshop of the LLP Community (CERN, online), 30 May - 3 June 2022, Carl Gwilliam
  93. Recent Results from FASER, FPCP2022: 2022 Conference on Flavor Physics and CP Violation (FPCP2022), 23-27 May 2022, Shih-Chieh Hsu
  94. Status of the FASER and SND@LHC Experiments, LHCP2022: 10th Edition of the Large Hadron Collider Physics Conference (LHCP 2022) (Taipei Taiwan (online)), 16-20 May 2022, Ke Li
  95. FASER’s Electromagnetic Calorimeter Test-Beam Studies, CALOR 2022: 19th International Conference on Calorimetry in Particle Physics (Sussex, UK), 15-20 May 2022, Charlotte Cavanagh
  96. The Recent Status of the FASER ExperimentPhysics in LHC and Beyond (Matsue, Japan), 12-15 May 2022, Hide Otono
  97. Measurement of TeV Neutrinos with FASERnu at the LHC, DIS 2022 (Santiago de Compostela, Spain), 1-6 May 2022, Osamu Sato
  98. FASERnu – Neutrinos at the LHC, Moriond EWK Conference (La Thuile), 13-19 March 2022, Aki Ariga
  99. FASERnu, Lake Louise Winter Conference (University of Alberta), 20-25 February 2022, Daiki Hayakawa
  100. FASER, Lake Louise Winter Conference (University of Alberta), 20-25 February 2022, Deion Fellers
  101. First Results of the 2021 FASER Calorimeter Test Beam (poster), Lepton Photon Conference (Manchester (virtual)), 10-14 January 2022, Lottie Cavanagh
  102. FASER Status and Physics Prospects, Lepton Photon Conference (Manchester (virtual)), 10-14 January 2022, Ondrrei Theiner
  103. FASER, LPCC Forward Physics WG meeting (CERN (virtual)), 14-15 December 2021, Markus Prim
  104. FASER and milliQan, UK HEP forum (Abingdon (virtual)), 22-24 November 2021, Stephen Gibson
  105. The FASER Experiment (poster), LHCC poster session (CERN (on-line)), 18 November 2021, Savannah Shively
  106. Progress on FASER and FASERnu, 10th Workshop of the LLP Community (LLPX) (CERN (on-line)), 9-12 November 2021, Tobias Böckh
  107. FASER and First Neutrino Interaction Candidates at the LHC, 32nd Rencontres de Blois (Loire Valley, France), 17-22 October 2021, Laurie Nevay
  108. Looking Forward to Tau Neutrinos at the LHC - Ideas and Physics Potential, NuTau 2021 (Brookhaven (on-line)), 28 September - 1 October 2021, Felix Kling
  109. Measuring Three-Flavor Neutrinos with FASERnu at the LHC, TAU 2021 (Indiana University), 26 September - 1 October 2021, Tomoko Ariga
  110. Detecting and Studying High-Energy Neutrinos with FASERν at the LHC, NuFact 2021 (Cagliari, Italy), 9 September 2021, Xin Chen
  111. Measuring High-Energy Neutrinos with FASERnu in the LHC Run-3, TAUP 2021, 26 August - 3 September 2021, Umut Kose
  112. High-Energy Neutrino Studies with FASERnu at the LHC, 20th Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics, 19-25 August 2021, Tomohiro Inada
  113. The FASER Experiment at the CERN LHC, 20th Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics, 19-25 August 2021, Andrea Coccaro
  114. Measuring TeV Neutrinos with FASERnu in the LHC Run-3, EPS-HEP2021, 26-30 July 2021, Tomoko Ariga
  115. FASER: Forward Search Experiment at the LHC, EPS-HEP2021, 26-30 July 2021, Di Wang
  116. Studying Neutrinos at the LHC-FASER ~ Its Impact to the Cosmic-Ray Physics, ICRC 2021, 12-23 July 2021, Akitaka Ariga
  117. The New FASER Experiment at the CERN LHC, PASCOS 2021, 14-18 June 2021, Lydia Brenner
  118. Results from Commissioning and/or Prototypes for New Small (HL-)LHC Experiments, 9th LHC Physics Conference, 7-12 June 2021, Friedemann Neuhaus
  119. Status of FASER and MAPP, 9th LHC Physics Conference, 7-12 June 2021, Candan Dozen
  120. FASERnu Update and First Neutrino Interaction Candidates, 2nd Forward Physics Facility Meeting, 27-28 May 2021, Tomoko Ariga
  121. FASER, Ninth workshop of the LLP Community, 25-27 May 2021, Eric Torrence
  122. Detecting and Studying High-Energy Neutrinos with FASERnu at the LHC, PHENO 2021, 24-27 May 2021, Tomoko Ariga
  123. FASER: Forward Search Experiment at the LHC, PHENO 2021, 24-27 May 2021, Benedikt Vormwald
  124. The Recent Status of the FASER experiment, Aspen Winter Conference, 22 March - 1 April 2021, Hidetoshi Otono
  125. The Faser Experiment, La Thuile Winter Conference, 9-11 March 2021, Anna Sfyrla
  126. Measuring Cross-sections of High-Energy Neutrinos with FASERnu at the LHC, XIX International Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes, 18-26 February 2021, Yosuke Takubo
  127. The FASER Experiment, XXVII Epiphany Conference in the Future of Particle Physics, 7-10 January 2021, Enrique Kajomovitz
  128. FASER Offline Software: “Success Has a Thousand Fathers”, Joint HSF and LLP Community meeting, 18 November 2020, Dave Casper
  129. The FASER Experiment, 8th Workshop of the LHC LLP Community, 15-19 November 2020, Susanne Kühn
  130. FASER, FASERnu, and the Forward Physics Facility, Snowmass 2021 Community Planning Meeting, 5-8 October 2020, Jonathan Lee Feng
  131. Search for LDM and Vector Mediators at FASER, CODEX-b, SHiP, MATHUSLA , Workshop on Feebly-Interacting Particles (CERN), 31 August - 4 September 2020, (postponed from 27-29 May 2020), Jakob Salfeld-Nebgen
  132. FASER: Forward Search Experiment at the LHC , ICHEP 2020, 28 July - 6 August 2020, Michaela Queitsch-Maitland
  133. FASERnu, ICHEP 2020, 28 July - 6 August 2020, Akitaka Ariga
  134. Studying Neutrinos at the High Energy Frontier with FASER𝝂 at the LHC (poster), NEUTRINO 2020, 24 June 2020, Akitaka Ariga
  135. Neutrinos at CERN, NEUTRINO 2020, 24 June 2020, Tomoko Ariga
  136. FASERnu -- Very Forward Neutrinos, CORSIKA Cosmic Ray Simulation Workshop, 23 June 2020, Felix Kling
  137. Probing the Intensity Frontier at the LHC, DM@LHC2020, 3 June 2020, Felix Kling
  138. Long-Lived Particle Experiments Of The Ring, DM@LHC2020, 3 June 2020, Sam Meehan
  139. FASER Detector and Physics, LHCP 2020, 29 May 2020, Zhen Hu
  140. FASER (poster), LHCP 2020, 28 May 2020, Di Wang
  141. The FASER Experiment, 7th workshop of the LHC LLP Community, 26 May 2020, Claire Antel
  142. FASER Experience with ACTS, ACTS Tracking for HEP Workshop, 25 May 2020, Ke Li
  143. Looking Forward to Neutrinos at the LHC, Pheno 2020, 4 May 2020, Felix Kling
  144. Looking Forward to New Physics with FASER, Forward Spectrometer Meeting, 16 April 2020, Felix Kling
  145. FASER, 10th LHC students poster session (CERN), 19 February 2020, Ondřej Theiner
  146. FASER Experiment, Lake Louise Winter Institute 2020, 14 February 2020, Kristof Schmieden
  147. New LHC Experiments for Long-Lived Particles Search, 16th Recontres du Vietnam, TMEX 2020, 8 January 2020, Shih-Chieh Hsu
  148. FASER, Physics Beyond Colliders meeting, 6 November 2019, Josh McFayden
  149. FASER, New Physics at the Low Energy Scales (NEPLES-2019), (KIAS - Korea Institute for Advanced Study), 23 September 2019, Sergio Gonzalez-Sevilla
  150. FASER Neutrinos, 19th Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics (Moscow State University), 24 August 2019, Akitaka Ariga
  151. New Long-Lived Particle Searches at the LHC with FASER, Dark Matter @ LHC 2019 Workshop (University of Washington, Seattle), 13 August 2019, Aaron Soffa
  152. Looking Forward to New physics with FASER, Searching for new physics - Leaving no stone unturned! (University of Utah), 7 August 2019, Felix Kling
  153. Looking Forward to New Physics with FASER, DPF, BSM Session (Northeastern University, Boston), 31 July 2019, Felix Kling
  154. ForwArd Search ExpeRiment at the LHC, DPF, Dark Matter Session (Northeastern University, Boston), 29 July 2019, Savannah Shively
  155. Study of High-Energy Neutrinos in the FASER Experiment at the LHC, EPS-HEP 2019 (Ghent, Belgium), 12 July 2019, Tomoko Ariga
  156. FASER, PASCOS (Manchester), 4 July 2019, Sebastian Trojanowski
  157. FASER, New Physics with Exotic and Long-Lived Particles (Quy Nhon, Vietnam), 2 July 2019, Jonathan Feng
  158. FASER, LHC Forward Physics workshop (Dublin - remote), 11 June 2019, Jamie Boyd
  159. Study of TeV Neutrinos in the FASER Experiment at the LHC, WIN2019 (Bari, Italy), 5 June 2019, Akitaka Ariga
  160. Search for Weakly Interacting Particles with the FASER Experiment, PATRAS2019 (Freiburg, Germany), 5 June 2019, Matthias Schott
  161. FASER, Fifth workshop of the LHC LLP Community (CERN), 29 May 2019, Yosuke Takubo
  162. FASER, SUSY 2019 (Texas A&M, Corpus Christi), 20 May 2019, Jonathan Feng
  163. FASER, DMUK meeting (King's College London), 11 April 2019, Sebastian Trojanowski
  164. FASER, Aspen Winter Conference 2019, 25 March 2019, Iftah Galon
  165. The FASER Experiment, LHCC Poster Session (CERN), 27 February 2019, Friedemann Neuhaus
  166. FASER, IAS HEP conference (Hong Kong), 23 January 2019, Shih-Chieh Hsu
  167. FASER, accelerator session of the PBC workshop (CERN), 17 January 2019, Jamie Boyd
  168. FASER, BSM session of PBC workshop (CERN), 16 January 2019, Felix Kling
  169. FASER, LMC (CERN), 16 January 2019, Jamie Boyd
  170. Looking Forward to New Physics with FASER, LHC Working Group on Forward Physics and Diffraction (CERN), 18 December 2018, Sebastian Trojanowski
  171. FASER, NCTS Annual Theory Meeting (Hsinchu, Taiwan), 18 December 2018, Jonathan Feng
  172. ATLAS Team internal physics meeting (CERN), 14 December 2018, Jamie Boyd
  173. New Experimental Ideas at the LHC:Targeting MeV-GeV Long-Lived Particles in the Forward Region, Town hall meeting on the Israeli Input to the European Strategy for Particle Physics (Weizmann Institute), 5 December 2018, Iftah Galon
  174. FASER, LHCC Open Session (CERN), 28 November 2018, Jamie Boyd
  175. FASER, Searching for long-lived particles at the LHC: Fourth workshop of the LHC LLP Community (Amsterdam), 24 October 2018, Shih-Chieh Hsu
  176. FASER-COSMO-18, COSMO-18 conference (Daejeon, Korea), 29 August 2018, Sebastian Trojanowski
  177. FASER, New Physics with Displaced Vertices (Hsinchu, Taiwan), 21 June 2018, Sebastian Trojanowski
  178. FASER, BSM session, Physics Beyond Colliders Workshop, 14 June 2018, Jonathan Feng
  179. FASER, Accelerator session, Physics Beyond Colliders Workshop, 13 June 2018, Jamie Boyd
  180. FASER, LPCC LLP workshop (CERN), 18 May 2018, Jamie Boyd
  181. FASER: ForwArd Search ExpeRiment at the LHC, Pheno 2018, 8 May 2018, Felix Kling
  182. Exploring Dark Sectors at FASER: ForwArd Search ExpeRiment at the LHC, APS Meeting, 14 April 2018, Iftah Galon
  183. FASER and Other Outposts on the Lifetime Frontier, KITP (Santa Barbara), 9 April 2018, Jonathan Feng
  184. Far Detector Panel, Aspen Winter Conference 2018, 26 March 2018, Felix Kling
  185. FASER: ForwArd Search ExpeRiment at the LHC, The Future of Searches for Invisible Particles (Aachen), 14 December 2017, Felix Kling
  186. Theory in the LHC Era, ICFA Seminar, 8 November 2017, Jonathan Feng
  187. FASER: ForwArd Search ExpeRiment at the LHC, Second Workshop of The LHC LPP community (Trieste), 19 October 2017, Felix Kling
  188. FASER: ForwArd Sarch ExpeRiment at the LHC, Workshop on WIMPs and Beyond (Shanghai), 17 September 2017, Jonathan Feng
  189. Looking Forward to Dark Photons at the LHC, DPF 2017 (Fermilab), 31 July - 4 August 2017, Felix Kling
  190. FASER: ForwArd Search ExpeRiment at the LHC, Future of collider searches for Dark Matter at the LPC (Fermilab), 27-28 July 2017, Felix Kling


  1. Results from the FASER experiment at the LHC, Seminar at Chiba University, Chiba, Japan, 18 April 2024, Ariga Akitaka
  2. Results from FASER, SUNY Stony Brook Seminar, 24 April 2023, Dave Casper
  3. The FASER detector: from concept to operation, CERN EP-DT Detector Seminar, 2 December 2022, Hide Otono
  4. Looking forward to New Physics at the LHC and HL-LHC: FASER and the FPFCERN EP Seminar, 22 November 2022, Jamie Boyd
  5. Imperial College London - HEP Seminar, 19 May 2021, Josh McFayden
  6. University of Oxford (Experimental Particle Physics Seminar), 18 May 2021, Jamie Boyd
  7. King’s College London, Experimental Particle and Astroparticle Physics Seminar, 17 May 2021, Akitaka Ariga
  8. Experimental Particle and Astro-Particle Physics SeminarUniversity of Zurich - Experimental Particle and Astro-Particle Physics Seminar, 3 May 2021, Anna Sfyrla
  9. Berkeley Lab, 15 April 2021, Jamie Boyd
  10. FASER (and FASERν), University of Warwick, 4 April 2021, Josh McFayden
  11. Looking forward to new physics: The FASER experiment at the CERN LHC, University of Pittsburgh - HEP Seminar, 7 January 2021, Anna Sfyrla
  12. Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, 3 December 2020, Jamie Boyd
  13. EPFL - LPHE seminar: The FASER experiment, 30 November 2020, Anna Sfyrla
  14. Paul Scherrer Institut - Colloquium, 19 November 2020, Anna Sfyrla
  15. Looking Forward to New Physics with FASER: ForwArd Search ExpeRiment at the LHC, Uppsala University, 1 October 2020, Michaela Queitsch-Maitland
  16. Liverpool HEP Seminar, 23 September 2020, Jamie Boyd
  17. Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, 8 July 2020, Jamie Boyd
  18. University of Sussex, 25 June 2020, Jamie Boyd
  19. CP3, Louvain-La-Neuve, 17 June 2020, Anna Sfyrla
  20. High Energy Physics Online Seminar at UCL, 5 June 2020, Anna Sfyrla
  21. Saclay seminar, 18 May 2020, Jamie Boyd
  22. SLAC EPP Theory Seminar, 8 May 2020, Felix Kling
  23. CERN Detector Seminar, 17 April 2020, Jamie Boyd
  24. University of Manchester, 21 February 2020, Michaela Queitsch-Maitland
  25. CTPU, IBS, Daejeon, Korea, 19-20 February 2020, Felix Kling
  26. Lund University (Science coffee seminar), 13 February 2020, Claire Antel
  27. Imperial College London, 29 January 2020, Sebastian Trojanowski
  28. DESY, Seminar, 18 December 2019, Felix Kling
  29. University of Wroclaw (NuWro group), 16 December 2019, Sebastian Trojanowski
  30. MPIK Heidelberg, 15 July 2019, Sebastian Trojanowski
  31. University of Oxford (Dalitz seminar), 6 June 2019, Sebastian Trojanowski
  32. University of Birmingham, 15 May 2019, Sebastian Trojanowski
  33. University of Bristol, 8 May 2019, Sebastian Trojanowski
  34. Joint Experimental-Theoretical Seminar (Wine and Cheese Seminar), Fermilab, 3 May 2019, Shih-Chieh Hsu
  35. Faster, Smaller, Cheaper: The Forward Search Experiment at the LHC, Physics and Astronomy Department Colloquium, University of California, Irvine, 25 April 2019, Jonathan Feng
  36. CERN seminar, 16 April 2019, Jamie Boyd
  37. Experimental Particle Physics Group Seminar, University of Mainz, 15 April 2019, Friedemann Neuhaus
  38. University of Rome, 8 April 2019, Jamie Boyd
  39. Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, 3 April 2019, Sebastian Trojanowski
  40. University College London, 15 March 2019, Sebastian Trojanowski
  41. University of Cambridge (HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar), 7 March 2019, Sebastian Trojanowski
  42. University of Geneva, 27 February 2019, Jamie Boyd
  43. University of Sussex, 25 February 2019, Sebastian Trojanowski
  44. University of Warwick, 21 February 2019, Sebastian Trojanowski
  45. King's College London, 13 February 2019, Sebastian Trojanowski
  46. KIT - Cosmic Ray Group Seminar, 31 January 2019, Felix Kling
  47. University Bern, 30 January 2019, Felix Kling
  48. University of Oxford (Experimental Particle Physics Seminar), 29 January 2019, Sebastian Trojanowski
  49. CERN-TH (BSM Forum), 24 January 2019, Felix Kling
  50. CERN-TH (Cosmo Coffee), 23 January 2019, Iftah Galon
  51. Cornell, 18 January 2019, Iftah Galon
  52. Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas, 17 December 2018, Felix Kling
  53. Sheffield University, 12 December 2018, Sebastian Trojanowski
  54. Tel Aviv University, 6 December 2018, Iftah Galon
  55. Brookhaven National Lab, 28 November 2018, Felix Kling
  56. Lancaster University, 22 November 2018, Sebastian Trojanowski
  57. Brandeis University, 16 November 2018, Felix Kling
  58. HEPEC Seminar, Texas A&M, 1 March 2018, Felix Kling
  59. Theory Group Seminar, UT Austin, 27 February 2018, Felix Kling
  60. SLAC EPP Theory Seminar, 16 February 2018, Felix Kling
  61. Theorie-Palaver Seminar, Mainz, 19 December 2017, Felix Kling
  62. Particle Phenomenology Seminar, Heidelberg, 18 December 2017, Felix Kling
  63. FASER: Forward Search Experiment at the LHC, UCLA, 21 November 2017, Jonathan Feng
  64. FASER: Forward Search Experiment at the LHC, Carleton University, 9 November 2017, Jonathan Feng
  65. Theory in the LHC Era, ICFA Seminar, 8 November 2017, Jonathan Feng